Bright prospects of development of rail network: Deficit of railway can be turned into profit by making rail system effective, opines Governor Balochistan


Bright prospects of development of rail network:
Deficit of railway can be turned into profit by making rail system effective, opines Governor Balochistan

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has opined that the deficit of railway can be changed into profit by making the rail system effective in the province and by ensuring access of the passenger and goods trains to the neighbouring countries.
He said that not only the travelling requirements of the people can be met by running trains on the small routes and distances like Quetta to Chaman and Harnai to Sibi, but the access of the things produced in different districts can also be ensured on the other hand.
In this way, the railway can prove to be the best source of transportation in the province, he maintained.
The Governor was speaking to the Divisional Superintendent of Railways, Fareed Ahmed who called on him here at the Governor House on Monday.
Speaking on the occasion, the Governor said that it is our good luck that the prospects of development of the railway network from Quetta to the Central Asia are bright in the ever changing situation of the region.
While we also have the railway track from Quetta to Zahidan and it can also be made more effective and improved, adding he observed.
The Governor also said that the Railways has already thousands of acres of commercial and industrial land in the province, what’s needed is to utilise the same.
He said that if the private sector is engaged in process of giving the railway land on lease, then it’s income can be increased manifold, he believed.
He said that the incumbent Federal Minister Railway Khawaja Saad Rafiq has good reputation regarding improving the railway system, we believe that he would focus on the province so that the people may fully benefit from his sincere efforts in this regard.

Daily Independent

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