BREAKING NEWS: Balochistan’s Fisheries and Coastal Development Department Secures Place in CPEC with CM’s Approval

Today, the Chief Minister of Balochistan approved a summary to incorporate several vital projects from the Fisheries and Coastal Development Department into the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). These projects, aimed at transforming the fisheries sector, and to improve Balochistan’s socio-economic conditions and enhance the institutional capacity of the Fisheries & Coastal Development Department.
The approved list of projects set to be integrated into the CPEC includes:
1. Cage Shrimp Farming Complex**
2. Establishment of State-of-the-Art Boat Building Yards with Ancillary Facilities, including Slipways**
3. Vessel Monitoring System**
4. Fish Processing Unit**
5. Establishment of Modern Fishing Ports**
6. Establishment of Net Making Units**
7. Establishment of Oyster Farming Complex in Balochistan**
8. Establishment of Sea Weeds Culture Complex along the Coastline of Balochistan**
9. Digitalization of Fisheries Department**
10. Fisheries Theme Park/Marine Aquarium and Fish Museum**
11. Establishment of Fish Quality Control Center**
This move is anticipated to bring about a revolutionary change in the region’s fisheries sector, promising job creation, economic growth, and improved living standards for the people of Balochistan.
In a parallel development, Secretary Fisheries & Coastal Development convened a crucial meeting with the Country Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Pakistan in Quetta. The aim of this meeting was to foster collaboration with the FAO, focusing on the Fisheries Policy & Legislative Framework initiative. The FAO has pledged its support to assist the Balochistan Fisheries Department in enhancing the Fish Quality Control Mechanism.
A significant outcome of this collaboration is the initiation of a project in early 2024, focusing on the certification of the catch. This project is poised to be a game-changer, providing an opportunity for fish exporters to access the European market. The implementation of an enhanced Fish Quality Control Mechanism will not only bolster the reputation of Balochistan’s fisheries but also contribute substantially to the national exchequer through increased exports.
This dual initiative, with the integration of fisheries projects into the CPEC and the collaboration with the FAO, marks a historic achievement for the Fisheries and Coastal Development Department and highlights the commitment of the provincial government towards sustainable economic development and international collaboration in the fisheries sector.

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