Bizenjo hails PM’s order for release of PPL dues: PM’s initiatives would prove to be road map of development of Balochistan, says CM


Bizenjo hails PM’s order for release of PPL dues:
PM’s initiatives would prove to
be road map of development
of Balochistan, says CM

Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo believes parliamentary committee to prepare
serious and viable recommendations for all resolvable issues of province

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has welcomed the order of Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif for immediate payment of arrears of the province against Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL).
He also paid tributes to the Prime Minister for constituting a parliamentary committee for resolving the longstanding issues of the province with the federation.
In a statement issued here on Saturday, the Chief Minister said that the manner Prime Minister had paid attention towards the issues of Balochistan with sincerity and good intention is really appreciable and welcoming.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo hoped that the initiatives taken by the Prime Minister would prove to be the roadmap of development of the province, and he would thank the PM by meeting him soon.
The Chief Minister said that the decisions and announcements made by the PM are an example of him being a statesmanship and a farsighted leader.
He said that the way PM is making efforts for resolving the economic issues of the country are unprecedented. He said that the credit of 18th amendment goes to the former President Asif Ali Zardari. The powers of the provinces and their rights over their resources were got acclaimed with passage of 18th amendment, he mentioned adding that but, unfortunately the provinces are still facing issues due to lack of implementation on it (18th amendment). More concrete steps are needed for resolving these issues, adding he stressed.
The Chief Minister believed that the committee would prepare serious and viable recommendations for all resolvable issues of the province.

Daily Independent

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