Better plan being devised for improving law and order:

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti has stated that the formation of provincial government has been completed with portfolios assigned to the ministers.
The Chief Minister said that we have prepared 16-point reforms agenda for bringing improvement in the government affairs and the provincial ministers would work on them.
He said that the Provincial Minister for Home would work along with all security institutions for maintaining law and order in the province.
The Chief Minister was addressing a hurriedly called press conference along with provincial ministers here on Tuesday.
Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti maintained that we are forming a committee for holding talks with those moving on the mountains.
The committee would talk with the parties present in the parliament and outside, stated the Chief Minister adding that we would speak to the tribal personalities for ending violence.
He said that it is better to resolve the issue of Balochistan through dialogue.
What should we do if the issue of Balochistan is not resolved through negotiations.
He announced that the development schemes would be completed timely after the budget.
However, he added that development of Balochistan is impossible in the present budget.
Referring the issue of missing persons in the province, the Chief Minister said that the propaganda is being made about the missing persons.
He said that it is not fair to level allegations against the institutions about the missing persons.
However, it is difficult to determine that who is disappearing the people, he said.
Still the commission formed for recovery of the missing persons has resolved the issue of 80 percent missing persons.
He said that it is responsibility of the government to recover missing persons.
Our committee would work for resolving all the issues, he maintained.
Mir Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti asserted that terrorists can’t be let free and added that every individual and institutions have to play role against terrorism.
He said that Baloch doing resistance and sectarian terrorism have connection in Afghanistan.
He strongly believed that many issues can be resolved by improving governance in the province.
The parliament has to make decision about negotiations with those making resistance, he added.
He said that we have to find solution to the problems of law and order as for how long the province would confront the situation.
He stressed that we have to end terrorism after preparing one narrative.
He said that the term of “angry Baloch” is made by the media, so it (media) should tell who is angry?
He said every individual has to support the government against killers of the innocent people.
He said that “RAW” funded laskhar assassinated several innocent people.
He said that we are devising better plan for law and order in the province so that the people may take sigh of relief.
While on the other hand, the Minister for Home has been given the task about the law and order situation.

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