Basic purpose of education is character building as well, says Governor Balochistan

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that one basic purpose is also the character building and the education or degree which can not bring change in one then it must be reviewed.
The Governor was addressing the second convocation of Alhamd Islamic university here on Saturday.
Prominent among those present at the convocation were the guest of honour, former Senator Nawabzada Lashkari Raisani, president of Alhamd university, Dr Shakeel Roshan, Dean and Director of NUST Balocchistan, Brigadier Dr Waseem Khaliq, pro- Rector Urva Javed, besides other dignitaries from various walks of life.
Addressing the convocation, Governor congratulated the graduates of the university on their graduation and said it happens to be an important and happiness occasion for the students when they get fruit of performance and hard work.
He said that education is actually the joint asset of all human beings and development of any society is based on it.
The Governor said that the teachers are honoured and respected due to their great service for the cause of education irrespective of their religion, colour and race.
He stressed that it is duty to parents along with teachers to play effective role in best education and upbringing of their children.
He noted with concern that unfortunately many areas of the province lack educational institutions even in the present developed era.
Moreover, the people are suffering from different hardships because of the lack of health facilities and non existence of the health centers, he maintained.
He said that education is so expensive today that the parents are compelled to get their children admitted in the religious seminaries.
He exhorted the students to mobilize their capabilities and potential by acquiring education.
He also appreciated the whole team of Alhamd University for organising successful convocation and expressed best wishes for the students graduating in the convocation.
Earlier, Nawabzada Lashkari Raisani and Dr Shakeel Roshan also addressed the convocation.
In the end, Governor distributed gold medals and certificates among the students graduated from the university.
Meanwhile, the Governor inaugurated the YouTube channel named after the Arz in the premises of Alhamd Islamic University.

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