Balochs would not let enemies of Balochs & Balochistan hide amongst themselves

according to Sources

a firing incident took place in Kahan, district Kohlu. Reportedly, brothers of Levies employees Lal Muhammad Shaheed carried out firing and killed three BLA fighters.

Lal Muhammad was the son of Mir Zali. Lal Muhammad surrendered Ferrari, and he later joined Levies Force. Later on, he was killed by BLA miscreants on 29 Jan 2024 in Kahan Bazar.
Today’s firing was carried out by Shandar & Shanawaz (brother of Lal Muhammad Shaheed) to revenge his brother’s murder.
Reportedly, one BLA fighter has escaped from the site, whereas three miscreants, including Chota Chakar (BLA local commander), have been killed.

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