“Balochistan Governor Hails Balanced Budget, Urges Effective Utilization of Funds”

Quetta:*june 29(independent report) Governor Balochistan, Jaffar Khan Mandokhel, has commended the provincial government for presenting a balanced budget for the fiscal year 2024/25, despite the challenging economic and political landscape. In a message, the Governor lauded the government’s efforts to create new employment opportunities, attract investment, and improve the economic well-being of the people.

He expressed hope that with federal cooperation and necessary funding, the situation will improve further, leading to successful implementation of the budget. The Governor also stressed the need for effective utilization of allocated funds, noting that previous years have seen significant lapsed funds due to underutilization.

The Governor urged serious efforts to ensure maximum progress on development projects, utilizing all allocated funds before the fiscal year’s end. This move is expected to boost economic growth and prosperity in the province.

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