Balochistan Food Authority Celebrates World Food Safety Day in partnership with Nutrition International

*Balochistan Food Authority Celebrates World Food Safety Day in partnership with Nutrition International*.
*June 7, 2023*,
QUETTA: The Balochistan Food Authority and Nutrition International partnered to hold a commemorative celebration for World Food Safety Day. The event was graced by the presence of the Chief Guest, Provincial Minister of Food and Chairman,Balochistan Food Authority Engineer Zamrak Khan Achakzai. Other esteemed attendees included Secretary Food Balochistan Mujeeb ur Rehman, Director General,Balochistan Food Authority Mohammad Naeem Bazai, religious scholars, food handlers, representatives of Anjuman Tajiran, Teachers and students from different universities, and doctors.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chairman BFA, Engineer Zamrak Khan Achakzai, emphasized the significance of food safety, saying, “Access to safe and nutritious food is the right of each and every individual. Balochistan Food Authority is committed to ensuring that food safety standards are adhered to, and the public has access to safe and healthy food. He also highlighted the significance of celebrating Food Safety Day, which aims to raise awareness about how food quality can save lives and inspire collective efforts to ensure a high-quality food supply system. According to Engineer Zamrak Khan Achakzai, there is a pressing need for improved food safety management, which requires the participation of all stakeholders working together in a spirit of mutual cooperation to achieve the common objective of safe food for the public. The government has implemented stringent policies to ensure that all food conforms to the required quality standards, from production to consumption. Furthermore, a regulatory body like the BFA has been set up to constantly monitor food production and supply chains at all levels.
The commitment of Balochistan Food Authority to uphold food safety standards and provide safe and healthy food to the public was mentioned by him. The celebration of World Food Safety Day in the province is evidence of their dedication to encourage secure food practices. He emphasized the significance of collaboration between foreign organizations such as Balochistan Food Authority and Nutrition International to foster widespread awareness about food safety and implement effective strategies for the region’s benefit.
At the occasion,the secretary food Mujeeb ur Rehman , Provincial Manager Nutrition International, Muhammad Qavi Khan, and other speakers emphasized the significance of adhering to the principles and procedures of adequate sanitation and hygiene in handling and preparing food and beverage items. They also underscored the vital role of healthy food and food safety in averting diseases. In addition, the participants received insights on the food safety guidelines established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

Daily Independent

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