Balochistan Drug Act to be enforced; stern action to be taken against fake medicines

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Provincial Health Department decided to take stern action against selling of fake medicines besides enforcing the Balochistan Drug Act in true spirit.
A meeting chaired by the Secretary Health Abdullah Khan considered the strategy about enforcement of Drug Act and prevention of sale of the fake medicines here on Saturday.
The meeting reviewed the laws of Balochistan Drug Act and amendments in it.
Those who attended were included Additional Secretary Health, Arif Khan, Advocate Kailash Nath Mehta, Secretary Quality Control Board, Moeez Khan, Chief Drug Inspector Zahid Salik and Staff Officer to Secretary Health Shokat Zehri.
The meeting was briefed about the the amendments in laws of the Balochistan Drug Act.
The legal point of view on the reforms in the Drug Act was also presented in the meeting.
The former Chairman Drug Act, Advocate Kailash Nath Mehta also presented his point of view on the related matters.

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