Balochistan can’t progress in next 100 years even with existing resources, maintains CM


Pleased over approval of budget from Assembly:
Balochistan can’t progress in next
100 years even with existing
resources, maintains CM

Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo says we are public representatives, so presented
public friendly budget; substantial funds allocated for vital sectors; asserts
development of province impossible without cooperation of federation

Independent Report

QUETTA: While expressing his pleasure and contentment over approval of the Balochistan’s budget for next financial year from the provincial assembly, the Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has categorically stated that we are representatives of the general public, therefore, we have presented a public budget.
Congratulating the people of Balochistan, members of provincial assembly and departments of Finance and Planning and Development on the budget, the Chief Minister maintained that substantial funds have been allocated for all necessary sectors in the upcoming budget.
He thanked the Allah Almighty with whose help and guidance, we were able to prepare a balanced and public friendly budget.
He expressed the hope that the budget would prove to be the public-friendly and it’s impacts would reach to the people.
In a statement issued here, the Chief Minister said that we have given preference to the projects of public importance ever since we came into power.
He said that it our aim to provide maximum relief to the masses of province taking steps to benefit them in a big way.
He said that upcoming budget is also important because it is the last budget of present government, and we are heading towards the general elections.
He mentioned that it was not an easy task to prepare such a development budget for over 20 million population of the province in very limited resources, in which the requirements of all areas have been taken care of.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo expressed pleasure and felt proud that the budget we have presented doesn’t belong to any particular party, rather it is the budget of people of Balochistan.
He said that we have strived that all the resources are used for development and prosperity of the province and its people.
He also said that it was our utmost endeavour to include such projects in the budget which directly benefit the common men.
He said that the production sectors have been given preference in the budget so that economic activities are boosted with implementation on them.
The Chief Minister said that there’s no two opinion that such projects are prepared in the given circumstances of the province, which are viable and completed in short span of time.
We have included all the districts in development process on equality basis setting aside the political affiliations, which resulted in a conducive environment and harmony prevailed during the assembly session thanks to Allah Almighty, he added.
The Chief Minister particularly noted that Balochistan can’t progress even in coming 100 years with the available resources. This is why we have adopted a solid and firm stance for securing rights and interests of the province, Mr. Bizenjo mentioned adding that he is pleased that our stance was endorsed by both government and opposition.
He said that we have also made it clear to the Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif that development of Balochistan is not possible without cooperation of the federation.
He said that Balochistan has immense resources, and it is always stated that development of the country is linked with development of Balochistan. But, practically nothing was done for uplift of the province. if Balochistan is to be made future of Pakistan in real term, then (province) has to be given due right besides taking wholehearted steps for development of its resources, Mr. Bizenjo stressed adding that the people can no more be amused by raising mere hollow slogans and promises.
He said that the trust of people of the province can be restored by removing its longstanding backwardness and bringing it at par other provinces of the country.

Daily Independent

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