Balochistan Assembly session to resume in Quetta today

Independent Report

QUETTA: The session of Balochistan Assembly is schedule to resume after two days break at 11:00 AM today (Monday) at the Assembly Hall located on Zarghoon road, Quetta.
The Speaker Balochistan Assembly, Captain (Retd) Abdul Khaliq Achakzai is due to chair the session of assembly.
According to agenda of the session, four resolutions would be tabled in the today’s sitting.
They are regarding installation of LPG plants in the districts which lack the facility of natural gas in Balochistan, allocation of budget for health department as per the NFC Award, restoration of 4G Internet facility in Panjgur district, inclusion of Basima-Kharan road in the National Highway Authority.
It may be mentioned here that all the four resolutions were deferred for the today’s sitting in previous sessions of assembly.

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