Award ceremony organized to recognize invaluable services of women in different sectors

Independent Report

QUETTA: The award ceremony was held to recognize the invaluable services of women in different sectors here at the Government Post-graduate Girls College, Quetta cantonment on Sunday.
The ceremony was organized by the Quetta Citizen Rights Movement where the caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Jan Achakzai was the chief guest.
The Minister Information gave away awards to the women who served extra ordinarily in different sectors including education, literature, social work, health, sports and others.
Addressing the ceremony, Jan Achakzai highly appreciated the organizers for holding the award ceremony for the women.
He said that it is really commendable to recognize the services of women in different fields and award them.
The Minister said that the interim government is doing its best to shine in different sectors just to provide maximum relief to the masses.
He also spoke at length about the issues faced by the women in the society. He stressed the need to provide conducive safe environment for the working women at their workplaces.

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