Awami Action Committee decides to start public movement for establishing peace & securing rights

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Awami Action Committee has decided to start a mass public movement for establishing peace and securing rights of the people.
The Awami Action Committee also decided to make contacts with all segments of the society including Ulemas, lawyers, traders, transporters, Tribal elders and political parties for having full public support.
The Committee was presided over by Abdul Mateen Akhunzada and participated by political leaders belonging to different parties and other concerned.
The participants discussed the protest dharna going on in Chaman besides the law and order situation in the province.
They expressed concern about the issues of law and order in different areas of the province.
They were of the view that the border should remain open at Mir Jawa, Taftan, Gabd and Raimdan so that the people may benefit from the border trade.
They decided to contact the government for negotiations besides taking all the political parties into confidence on different issues.

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