Asghar Khan Achakzai while addressing the protest sit-in of thousands of children against the issuance of passports on the Durand Line

Chaman. By Sardar khondai
Provincial President of Awami National Party Asghar Khan Achakzai while addressing the protest sit-in of thousands of children against the issuance of passports on the Durand Line in Chaman, said that today we are addressing a gathering that is crying tears of blood. Children who should have been in schools, colleges and universities today are protesting for two meals a day with shrouds on their heads. Until my children are hungry they cannot applaud the happiness of others. Can’t stop traffic on the Durand Line in Chaman with passports. Forced eviction of Afghan Kadwal. Illegal cases against political workers. Pashtun nationalists against target killing. There is a widespread protest, he made it clear to the rulers that not only you but also your generations will regret the seeds of hatred you are sowing. You have no room for more mistakes. The rulers are not only deaf and dumb but also insensitive. For the first time in the history of Chaman, children have come out with a shroud on their heads yet this mindless ruler is unable to understand the subtleties and nuances of the situation. The rulers will be responsible for all the consequences of the path they have chosen in the future. The workers are not alone, the unity of the Pashtun nation-friendly parties in the entire Pashtun homeland is raising its voice for this and this protest will be expanded further.

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