approximately 70% in the 2024-25 budget, allocating Rs. 613 million for advertisements. The meeting appreciated the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Safraz Bugti, and the Provincial Minister of Information…”

“Quetta, June 22 (PR): The Editors Council of Balochistan magzinr (Registered) held a meeting under the chairmanship of Abdul Ghaffar Langau. The meeting discussed various issues, particularly the increase in government efforts to advertise in the current provincial budget. The members of the council agreed that the current inflation is skyrocketing and the newspapers are facing numerous challenges and are struggling to survive. It is an undeniable fact that the private sector is the largest source of employment and newspapers rely heavily on government advertisements. Therefore, the distribution of advertisements is crucial for the survival of newspapers in Balochistan’s unique situation. Considering all these issues, the meeting expressed satisfaction and appreciation that the current provincial government has increased the budget for advertisements and publicity by approximately 70% in the 2024-25 budget, allocating Rs. 613 million for advertisements. The meeting appreciated the Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Safraz Bugti, and the Provincial Minister of Information…”

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