Appointment orders issued to 174 Female Elementary School Teachers on BHC directives


Appointment orders issued to
174 Female Elementary School
Teachers on BHC directives

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Education Department, Government of Balochistan has issues appointment letters to as many as 174 female Elementary School Teachers (EST) on Wednesday.
According to an official hand out issued here, the appointment letters have been issued by the Education Department to female ESTs of Grade-15 on directives of Balochistan High Court.
It was mentioned that Education Department had not been issuing appointment orders to the successful candidates for last two years.
On this, the candidates had approached the court of law. The High Court gave verdict in favour of the applicants, however, the department didn’t implement the orders.
Later, the Court expressed anguish on the petition of contempt filed by the successful candidates. After this, the Education Department issued orders of appointment to the ESTs.

Daily Independent

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