Appellate Tribunal allows Jam Kamal to contest election rejecting appeals against acceptance of papers

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Appellate Tribunal comprising Mr. Justice Hashim Khan Kakar has rejected the appeals filed against acceptance of the nomination papers of the leader of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and former Chief Minister Balochistan, Jam Kamal Khan and allowed him to contest the general elections.
The Tribunal heard the appeals against acceptance of the papers of Jam Kamal Khan and dismissed the same after arguments of the lawyers.
The opponent party had raised objections of holding Iqama on Jam Kamal Khan.
However, the lawyer of Jam Kamal defended his client saying that the duration of Iqama had been expired in 2018.
After the arguments and routine proceedings, the Tribunal dismissed the appeals against acceptance of Jam Kamal and thus allowed to contest elections.
Meanwhile, the Tribunal deferred the hearing on appeals filed against acceptance of the nomination papers of PPP leader and former chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Zehri and President of BNP, Sardar Akhtar Mengal till January 8, 2024.
It may be mentioned here that the objections had been filed against acceptance of the nomination papers of Nawab Sanaullah Zehri and Sardar Akhtar Mengal.
At the outset, a total of 75 appeals were heard by the appellate tribunals in Quetta on Saturday.
The judge of Tribunal, Mr Justice Hashim Kakar heard 17 appeals and allowed three candidates to contest the elections.
The tribunal rejected an appeal and dismissed five others besides issuing notices to parties on eight appeals.
Similarly, the Appellate Tribunal-II comprising Mr Justice Aamir Nawaz Rana heard 58 appeals.
This tribunal allowed 44 candidates to contest elections and reserved decisions on eight appeals besides issuing notices to the parties on six appeals.

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