APCA Balochistan demands of GoB to implement on federal budget with letter and spirit


APCA Balochistan demands of
GoB to implement on federal
budget with letter and spirit

Independent Report

QUETTA: The President All Pakistan Clerks Association (APCA) Balochistan, Dad Muhammad Baloch has demanded of the provincial government to implement on the federal budget with true letter and spirit regarding raise in salaries of the provincial government employees.
In a demand made here on Wednesday, the provincial President of APCA also demanded of the Government of Balochistan to make 35 percent increase in the salaries of government employees and 30 percent in the pensions of retired employees in next provincial budget for year 2023-24.
Dad Muhammd Baloch also demanded of the provincial government to pay the 10 percent DRA allowance announced in 2021 in the next financial year’s budget giving needed relief to the employees.
He said that although the increase of 35 percent made in salaries of the federal government employees is not enough, but still they consider it quite better for them, thus demand of the provincial government to follow the decision.
He warned that strong protest campaign would be launched if the demand of APCA was not met immediately.
He also announced to hold a protest public meeting to press the provincial government for acceptance of demands on June 15 (today).
He pointed out that the government employees are facing severe financial issues due to the unprecedented inflation. As a result, it has become very difficult for them to make their both ends meet, he maintained.

Daily Independent

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