anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 1164.139 Kg Drugs worth US$ 43.698 Million internationally

anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 1164.139 Kg Drugs worth US$ 43.698 Million internationally. Arrested 39 persons including 6 women, impounded 12 vehicles while conducting 51 counter narcotics operations throughout the country. The seized drugs comprised 36 Kg Opium, 96.484 Kg Heroin, 960.464 Kg Hashish, 1.010 Kg Cocaine, 2 Kg Crystal Heroin, 67.973 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice), 108 Grams Weed and 100 Grams Intoxicant Tablets.

ANF Balochistan recovered 541 Kg drugs in 5 operations while arrested 4 accused persons in drug smuggling and impounded 2 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 85 Kg Heroin, 418 Kg Hashish, 36 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 2 Kg Crystal Heroin.
ANF Punjab recovered 42.07 Kg drugs in 15 operations while arrested 14 accused persons including 3 women in drug smuggling and impounded a vehicle. The seized drugs comprised 20.400 Kg Opium, 4.442 Kg Heroin, 9.676 Kg Hashish, 1.010 Kg Cocaine, 6.442 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 100 Grams Intoxicant Tablets.
ANF KPK recovered 155.623 Kg drugs in 13 operations while arrested 5 persons in drug smuggling and impounded 3 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 12 Kg Opium, 4.292 Kg Heroin, 133.800 Kg Hashish and 5.531 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).
ANF Sindh recovered 372.5 Kg drugs in 5 operations while arrested 2 persons in drug smuggling and impounded a vehicle. The seized drugs comprised 1.400 Kg Heroin, 357.600 Kg Hashish and 13.500 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).
ANF North recovered 52.946 Kg drugs in 13 operations while arrested 14 persons including 3 women involved in drugs smuggling and impounded 5 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 3.600 Kg Opium, 1.350 Kg Heroin, 41.388 Kg Hashish, 6.500 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice) and 108 Grams Weed.
All cases have been registered at respective ANF Police Stations under CNS Act 1997 (Amended 2022) and further investigations are under process.

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