ANF busts Int’l drug smuggling racket

RAWALPINDI,   Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) has successfully busted an organized group involved in international drug smuggling.
According to an ANF Headquarters spokesman, led by Abdul Qayyum Khan and Hussain Khan, with key involvement from Qari Inayat, a crucial member of this illicit network, the group exploited individuals facing financial hardships, using them as narco-mules for drug trafficking to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
ANF conducted 18 operations against this group at international airports, resulting in the apprehension of 19 individuals connected to the smuggling of narcotics from June, 2021 to August 2023.
On November 18, 2023, a successful operation led to the arrest of Abdul Qayyum Khan and Hussain Khan, confirming their direct involvement in drug trafficking. Subsequently, on November 19, this year, another crucial member, Qari Inayat, was also apprehended, ensuring the complete dismantling of the group.
The spokesman said that this successful operation highlights Pakistan’s commitment to combating drug trafficking and safeguarding vulnerable individuals facing economic hardships. The arrest of key figures involved in drug smuggling underscores ANF’s unwavering determination to create a drug-free future.
As ANF continues its relentless fight against drug trafficking, it reaffirms its dedication to ensuring national and international security, as well as fostering international cooperation to eliminate the menace of drugs, he added.


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