ANF Balochistan drug burning ceremony: Collective efforts needed to make society drug-free, says Shahzain Bugti


ANF Balochistan drug burning ceremony:
Collective efforts needed to
make society drug-free,
says Shahzain Bugti

Federal Minister for Narcotics Control destroys some 85 metric tons of
different drugs; DG ANF terms menace of drugs as security challenge

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Federal Minister for Narcotics Control, Nawabzada Shahzain Bugti has underlined the need to make collective efforts to make the society drug-free.
The Federal Minister exhorted upon the parents, civil society and stars of different fields to join hands with the government against narcotics.
He said that at a time when Pakistan is heading towards development, we can’t afford that our youth are indulged in the menace of narcotics.
This and similar other views were expressed by the Federal Minister Narcotics while speaking on occasion of the drug burning ceremony organized by the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) Balochistan on Monday.
The Director General ANF, Major General Aniqur Rehman and other high ups of the ANF, senior officials of provincial government and other concerned departments besides the senior faculty members and students of different educational institutions, representatives of the civil society and elites.
The Federal Minister torched and destroyed around 85 metric tons of different types of drugs in the ceremony.
The narcotics destroyed at the ceremony were seized during different raids conducted by ANF in the province.
Speaking on the occasion, the Federal Minister Narcotics Control regretfully pointed out that earlier hashsh, heroin, opium was used as narcotics earlier, but now synthetic narcotics is being used. He said that spread of narcotics is matter of concern for us.
In the prevailing situation, we need to make concerted efforts to eliminate the menace of drugs from our society, adding he stressed.
Nawabzada Bugti said that drugs are more dangerous war, and as such adding he stressed that we have to make collective struggle for prevention of the use of drugs in the society.
Earlier, the Director General ANF said that the curse of narcotics has turned into a security challenge.
He noted with concern that 12.5 percent of criminals use narcotics in the country. Adding he pointed out that some students also use different drugs, which is matter of great concern.
He said that while ANF is striving to reduce the demand and supply of drugs, still all segments of the society would have to play their effective role in complete eradication of the menace.

Daily Independent

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