An extraordinary meeting of the members of the parliamentary party of the Forward Block was held here with prime minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq in the chair

Islamabad:(PID) Islamabad: An extraordinary meeting of the members of the parliamentary party of the Forward Block was held here with prime minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq in the chair. The participants of the meeting discussed in detail all the matters, including the overall political situation and the performance of the coalition government.While reposing their full confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq, the parliamentary party gave the PM its full authority to take all political decisions.However, some of the parliamentary party members expressed their reservations regarding one of the coalition party’s activities.Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq said that there was a zero-tolerance policy against corruption. “Corruption is unacceptable and all those responsible should be made accountable”, the PM said, adding that anyone who has done things contrary to the law would have to go through the process of accountability. The coalition partners, he said, would have to follow the Prime Minister’s policy. “No one is above the law”, he said, adding misuse of authority and government resources won’t be tolerated anymore. “Now you will not see any official vehicles in parks and markets”, the PM said. “Those who defy the government policy, rules and regulations will be dealt with according to law”, the PM said.At the end of the meeting, the participants of the parliamentary party meeting through a unanimously adopted resolution expressed full solidarity with the people of the Indian Occupied Kashmir and paid rich tributes to their great sacrifices.The parliamentary party appreciated the performance of the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir during the last ten months.They gave the PM their full consent and authority to make all decisions immediately or after due consultation with all the allied parties so that the members of the Forward Block and all allied parties can play a better role in serving the people of the state.The meeting was attended by government minister Abdul Majid Khan, Chaudhry Azhar Sadiq, Chaudhry Arshad Hussain, Chaudhry Yasir Sultan, Chaudhry Nisar Ansar Abdali, Asim. Butt, Javed Butt, Chaudhry Muhammad Rashid, Malik Zafar, Sardar Faheem Akhtar Rabbani, Sardar Muhammad Hussain, Sardar Mir Akbar, Ms. Sabiha Sadiq, Ms. Imtiaz Naseem, Ms. Taqdees Gilani, Akmal Sargala, Pir Mazhar Saeed Shah, Sardar Chaudhry Akbar Ibrahim and Ahmad Sagheer. However, Deputy Speaker Chaudhry Riaz Gujjar and Chaudhry Muhammad Akhlaq could not attend the meeting due to their personal engagements.  Diwan Ali Khan left  to attend the Chagatai Scouts Conference shortly after attending the meeting.

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