An emergency meeting of the Punjab Boards Committee of Chairpersons

An emergency meeting of the Punjab Boards Committee of Chairpersons was held under the chairmanship of Secretary Higher Education Dr. Farrukh Naveed, in which a joint strategy was discussed upon to bring transparency in the examinations. Dr. Farrukh Naveed said that in future, private invigilators will not be appointed for examination duty, nor will examination centers be built in narrow streets. Such schools, colleges and marriage halls should be selected, where students and supervising staff can easily reach. Dr. Farrukh Naveed directed all the chairman boards to improve the remuneration of the examination staff and to ensure the attendance of the resident inspectors during the examination. If anyone found involved involved, strict action should be taken against him without discrimination. He said that all CEOs will be bound to ensure the attendance of supervisory staff. The Secretary Higher Education also gave clear instructions to the meeting that lists of staff who neglect or refuse duty should be compiled, disciplinary action should be taken in all cases. He said that only government buildings especially colleges, schools and university halls should be given priority as examination centers. Dr. Farrukh Naveed further said that Secretary School Education will be recommended to be made a permanent member of PBCC. He also directed the participants to devise a plan for the use of watermarks to prevent leakage of question papers.

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