Altogether 1,696 candidates in competition runs for 67 seats:

Independent Report

QUETTA: All is set to hold general elections on 16 general seats of National Assembly and 51 seats of Provincial Assembly in Balochistan today (Thursday).
Altogether 1696 candidates are in the competition run for all 67 general seats of the National and Provincial assemblies. They are included 429 candidates contesting elections on National Assembly seats while 1,267 candidates are in the run for 51 Provincial Assembly’s seats.
For the polling, in all 5,026 polling stations have been established in all 36 districts of the province.
Out of them, 1,126 have been declared as normal while 2,249 and 1,651 polling stations have been declared as sensitive and highly sensitive respectively.
According to the official sources, a total of 65,521 security personnel would be deployed for conducting elections in peaceful manner in the province. They are included: 19,082 from Army, 31,895 from Police, 14,544 from Levies and 5,094
As many as 51,379 polling staff has been deputed for the election process at 5,026 polling stations of the province.
They are included: 5,279 presiding officers, 31,252 Assistant Presiding Officers and 15,626 Polling Officers.
A provincial control room has been set up by the provincial government to monitor the election and polling process in the province.
Established at the Provincial Information Technology Department, the senior bureaucrats would remain deputed at the Control Room.
Similarly, a control and monitoring room has also been set up at the Provincial Election Commissioner’s office.
Earlier, the polling material including ballot papers and other necessary goods were distributed among the polling staff of Quetta at the Unity Law College.
Strict security measures were adopted on occasion of the distribution of election material among the polling staff.

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