Allegations of corruption in police postings, Chief Minister’s silence raising questions.

By M.Ilyas

ISLAMABAD- Sources within the Central Police Office in Peshawar have disclosed a pattern of irregular postings within the police force, allegedly linked to bribery and nepotism. The focus of the controversy revolves around the recent postings to the prestigious post of DIG Hazara Range, with junior officers being favored over more experienced and qualified DIGs. Among the contenders for the vacant post, Abbas Majeed Marwat and Sajjad Khan, both senior SPs of BS 19, have emerged as prominent figures. However, despite their seniority and qualifications, junior officers have been posted to fill the BS 20 position, sparking outrage within police circles. According to insider reports, there is a long-standing tradition in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa of posting junior officers to senior positions, a practice that has continued despite expectations of merit-based appointments under the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf government. Sources allege that these postings are made under the guise of approval from top political personalities, including Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, his brother Faisal Amin Gandapur, or lawyer Sher Afzal Marwat, only to later reveal ties to bribery and corruption. The lack of action from Chief Minister Ali Ameen Gandapur in response to numerous complaints regarding irregular postings has only fueled suspicions of complicity or negligence. Despite repeated concerns raised within the police ranks, there has been no investigation into the alleged corruption, leading to growing discontent and criticism against the IG Police and the Chief Minister. The situation has cast a shadow over the PTI government in KP, with concerns raised about the erosion of trust in the administration’s commitment to transparency and accountability. With former Prime Minister Imran Khan currently incarcerated, there are fears that the alleged corruption may continue unchecked, further tarnishing the reputation of the ruling party and its leadership.

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