All the minorities across Pakistan are celebrating their festivals with complete freedom. Ramesh Singh Arora

Provincial Minister for Minority Affairs of Punjab Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora has said that the Constitution of Pakistan gives complete freedom to the followers of all religions living in the beloved country and in the eyes of the Constitution, every person is living in Pakistan without discrimination. The beauty of Pakistan is that the people living here are free to practice their beliefs and religious rituals as demonstrated recently by the festivals of Easter, Ramadan, Eid, Holi and Baisakhi. People of all religions share in each other’s happiness and this is the message of the Prophets, Messengers and Saints sent by Allah who taught love, goodness, brotherhood, tolerance and also suffered for it. He expressed these views while addressing the gathering of Christian community at Harvest Life Church in Christian town Sialkot as chief guest. Provincial Minister for Minority Affairs Sardar Ramesh Singh Arora said that Mr. Isa Allahi salam and Imam Hussain gave the message of standing firm in the face of oppression, which can be called the end of injustice and oppression from the society. Later, the provincial minister also inaugurated the Pakistan Lifestyle Furniture Exhibition and inspected the stalls set up by various furniture manufacturing companies.

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