Lahore(independent Report ): A delegation of 32 Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI) student and officers headed by Course Director Brig. Nafeesa Khan visited the Emergency Services Headquarters and Academy to understand role, functions, operational aspects of Emergency Services Department focusing on imparting contemporary knowledge on modern concepts and practices of techniques of prehospital healthcare management. They witnessed on going specialized training activities for Medical & Trauma Emergencies, management of Fire & Hazmat Emergencies, Collapsed Structure Search & Rescue and Water Rescue & Flood Emergencies.

After the detail visit of on-going training of rescuers on purpose built training simulators established at Emergency Services Academy, the Secretary Emergency Services Department (ESD) Dr. Rizwan Naseer briefed them about Emergency Services Reforms in Pakistan and Rescue 1122 which today is an integrated Emergency Services model for South Asia after getting United Nations INSARAG certification. Due to this certification Rescue 1122 responded Turkiye Earthquake and saved several precious lives. Furthermore, Rescue 1122 has so far rescued over 14.4 million victims of emergencies and provided sense of safety to citizens of Pakistan. He also shared the new initiative of raising a Rescue Scout Corps to establish safe & resilient communities in Pakistan. This all would have been possible due 24/7 monitoring of the operations in Provincial Monitoring Cell.

On behalf of the AFPGMI delegation, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Fiaz stated that the Rescue 1122 exhibits exceptional professionalism, courage, and dedication, which have truly made a difference in the society. The rapid response of Rescue teams on the ground has provided much needed support to the community. The emergency response generated by Rescue 1122 have been truly amazing for the entire community. We are formally thankful to the leadership and management of the Emergency Services Academy and department for giving us this opportunity to explore this remarkable facility and to witness different training programs.

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