Advocating Economic Focus, Waytha Moorthy Calls for Unity.

By M.Ilyas

KUALA LUMPUR- In a compelling open letter addressed to Tun Dr. Mahathir Bin Mohammad, Malaysian Advancement Party President Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy passionately discusses the historical context of Malaysian Indians and challenges the perception that they are “pendatangs” or outsiders in the country. President Waytha Moorthy takes issue with the notion of complete assimilation, emphasizing the deep-rooted nature of Tamil language, culture, and Hindu religion that span over 7,000 years. He counters the suggestion that Malaysians of Indian and Chinese descent should discard their ancient cultural identities, likening it to an impossible task akin to changing the direction of the sunrise. Highlighting historical records, President Waytha Moorthy sheds light on the role of British colonialists in bringing Indian labor to Malaya, contributing significantly to the rubber industry, roads, railways, and infrastructure. He notes the sacrifices made by Tamil workers, with over a million perishing in the first 15 years due to various challenges, including disease and harsh working conditions. Addressing Tun Dr. Mahathir’s call for assimilation akin to the American model, President Waytha Moorthy points out the different historical and constitutional contexts. He stresses the integral role of Indians and Chinese in building Malaysia’s foundational economy, especially during a time when 89% of Malaya’s income depended on rubber and tin exports. President Waytha Moorthy advocates for unity and understanding, urging Malaysians to focus on economic development rather than racial and religious rhetoric. He envisions a future where the nation celebrates its 100th Independence Day with unity in diversity, discarding racial discrimination and embracing each other as one Malaysian race.The letter concludes with warm wishes for Tun Dr. Mahathir’s health and festive greetings from all Malaysian Tamils and Indians.

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