A rally was held to express solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians on the appeal of Umarkot Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam “F”

Umarkot (by Aijaz mughal) A rally was held to express solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians on the appeal of Umarkot Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam “F”, the air echoed with slogans against Israel, demanding to take notice from the United Nations.
According to the details, kunri city on the appeal of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Pakistan, a large rally was taken out under the leadership of the district president of Jamiat-e-Ulama-e-Islam, Maulana Abdul Huddighar, to express solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians. AndLoud slogans were raised in favor of the oppressed Palestinians, which made the air reverberate. The participants of the rally held placards with anti-Israel slogans. While condemning, he said that Al-Aqsa Mosque is the first Qibla of Muslims and alwaysAll the Islamic countries of the world, including Pakistan, should immediately declare Jihad against Israel. At this time, the entire Muslim Ummah is standing with the oppressed Palestinians, but unfortunately, the leaders of the Islamic countries are silent spectators, which is a reprehensible act. Against Israel’s terrorism, oppression and oppressionAnd the barbarism continues. The entire West, including the United States, stands behind Israel. The Israeli beasts have besieged Gaza for the past several days and have cut off even the water of innocent children. More than fifteen hundred Palestinians have been martyred and hundreds have been injured, but Europe, India And the American media is supporting Israel, the speakers saidHe said that the oppression of the Palestinian Muslims by the Zionist forces is a severe violation of human rights. He expressed his complete solidarity with the oppressed Palestinians and strongly condemned the Israeli aggression and terrorism and demanded immediate notice from the United Nations.

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