A high-level meeting was held here today that reviewed the overall preparations made to deal with monsoon

Islamabad:(PID) 07-07-2024
A high-level meeting was held here today that reviewed the overall preparations made to deal with monsoon including cleaning and removing encroachment near drains, monitoring of low-lying areas and keeping concerned authorities and institutions red alert.The meeting, which was presided over by Prime Minister Azad Kashmir Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq, was attended by senior minister Colonel (Retd) Waqar Noor,  Chaudhry Azhar Sadiq minister for Public Works, Akmal Sargala, Chief Secretary Dawood Muhammad Barich and relevant authorities of the government. Whereas, DG SDMA Masoodur Rehman, Divisional Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners participated in the meeting through video link.
DG SDMA Masoodur Rehman on the occasion gave a detailed briefing to the PM and apprised him about the measures taken by the institution in relation to monsoon preparations. During the meeting it was decided to setup a central control room in the Chief Secretary’s office to monitor the situation.Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Haq directed all concerned institutions to remain high alert to deal with any emergency situation.He said that advisory should be issued. he said that the people should be advised to take safety and precautionary measures to avoid loss of life and properties. ” People living near rivers and Nullahs should be informed through media and social media”, he said, adding that notices should be issued to encroachers. He instructed all the concerned institutions to be ready at all times to deal with any emergency situation.He said directed the health secretary to make sure that all DHOs are supplied with medicines to deal with health emergencies and that doctors and staff were present.The PM also directed the Chief Secretary to immediately release emergency funds to the State Disaster Management Authority, Police and Public Works department.

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