A delegation of MBBMU arrived in Indonesia to participate in the community conference


LARKANA : A delegation from the Martyr Benazir Bhutto Medical University Larkana arrived in Indonesia to participate in the conference, where on the instructions of Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Nusrat Shah, where the delegation from the Indonesian university, “University of Erlinga”, including various universities with international citizenship After meeting with the Vice-Chancellors, memorandums of exchange of students and faculty were made, under which a four-member delegation of Shahid Benazir Bhutto Medical University, headed by Director Dr. Mir Hasan Khoso , participated in a research conference at the University of Erlanga, Indonesia. The delegation was made by three students, including Dr. Shu Kumar, Dr. Mir Hazar Khan, Dr. Gautam Chawla. In the conference, Director Orak Dr. Mir Hasan Khoso presented his research paper on the topic of anti-aging, while among other researchers, Dr. Atiqah Baharin from Indonesia and famous researcher from Japan, Dr. Yoshiaki Takaya presented research papers, while the Vice Rector of the University of Erlinga, Prof. Dr. Newman Paspaninga welcomed the four-member delegation of Shahid Benazir Bhutto Medical University Larkana and appreciated their commitment to learning, and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nusrat Shah’s interest in exchange of students and faculty with international educational institutions. Appreciated, the delegation of Shahid Ms. Benazir Bhutto Medical University also held fruitful meetings with their counterparts and they assured them that very soon a pleasant environment will be created for exchange of students and faculties.

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