Mirpur Mathelo

Mirpur Mathelo

(Report by Tanveer Ahmed Soomro)

A case has been registered at Mirpur Mathelo police station against 37 people of the Shar tribe for occupying the land of Fauji Fertilizer Company Mirpur Mathelo. Spokesperson, FFC, said that people belonging to the Shar tribe protested on the land of Fauji Fertilizer Company Mirpur last night and said that they have been meeting on this land for the last ten years and a few days ago, the FFC administration gave us permission. The occupation was ended by luring us to take the plot and give compensation, while we were neither given an alternative place nor given money. A day ago, more than 40 families were given financial support in return for the removal of occupation from this land and they were also provided with goods and vehicles to go on their own. have come to occupy, despite having our land, we did not forcefully evict them and provided them with financial support, on the other hand, in the complaint of the legal advisor of Fauji Fertilizer Company Mirpur Mathelo Police Station, 37 people of the Shar tribe, including 27 known And a case has been registered against 10 unknown persons for encroachment on the company’s land,

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