Capital City Police Officer Bilal Siddique Kamyana has stated that the Lahore police continue to carry out intelligence-based search operations to ensure the safety of citizens and their property, as well as to maintain peace. The process of these anti-crime operations has been ongoing, with a total of 3,885 search operations conducted so far this year. During these operations, 99,694 houses, 51,804 tenants and 424,840 individuals were checked, he added.

Throughout these search operations, the CCPO reported that 196 hotels, 60 guest houses, 97 hostels and 4,836 shops were inspected. Additionally, legal action was taken against 3,723 individuals under Section 55/109 of the CrPC. During this period, 20 drug cases and 30 cases involving illegal weapons were registered. Similarly, 41 proclaimed offenders were also apprehended during the course of search operations, he added.

The series of search operations in Lahore’s hotspots and sensitive areas was consistently ongoing and the Lahore police were actively working to provide a secure environment for the public, he concluded.

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