Governor Balochistan inaugurates restoration of Sibi-Harnai rail section after 19 years

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar inaugurated the restoration of Sibi-Harnai railway section on Monday.
The inaugural ceremony arranged at the Sibi Railway Station was attended by the parliamentary leader of Balochistan National Party, Malik Naseer Ahmed Shahwani, provincial President of PML-N, Sheikh Jaffar Khan Mandokhail, Divisional Superintendent of Railways Quetta, Fareed Ahmed besides other concerned high ups, administrative officers and elites.
The Federal Minister Railways, Khawaja Saad Rafiq and Federal Minister Narcotics Control, Nawabzada Shahzain Bugti participated in the ceremony through video link.
Speaking at the inauguration of Sibi-Harnai railway section, the Governor said that the restoration of railway track between the twin historic cities of Harnai and Sibi would put positive impacts on the overall economy and agriculture of the area.
He said that the students of Harnai and Ziarat districts would also be able to avail the opportunities of higher education with restoration of the railway track.
While on the other hand, the commerce and trade activities would also get tremendous boost in the area after restoration of the communication links with rest of the country and province, adding Governor believed.
The Governor also mentioned that the incumbent federal government is committed to reconstruct the national highways besides restoring the railway lines.
He said that the longstanding issues of the people would be resolved by putting the railway system on modern lines and providing the travelling facilities to them.
However, we have to prepare comprehensive strategy keeping in view the requirements of near future.
It may be mentioned here that Sibi-Harnai railway section has been restored after nineteen years as the track was damaged with bridges blown up by unknown terrorists in 2004.
It was the longstanding demand of the Sibi and Harnai and adjoining areas to restore the railway track.

Daily Independent

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