Lahore, : Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab Mohsin Naqvi conducted a meeting with senior doctors at the auditorium of Services Institute of Medical Sciences in Services Hospital. During his address, the CM emphasized that the responsibility for errors does not solely rest with leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats. He reminded everyone that despair is a sin and, as Pakistanis, it is our duty to remain hopeful and strive for better conditions. He encouraged the belief that even small individual efforts can lead to significant positive changes.

After assessing the condition of Services Hospital, he firmly asserted that no enemy should even think of visiting the hospital. The CM mentioned that he had visited hospitals all over Punjab and had not encountered any facility in worse condition than Services Hospital. He emphasized that doctors alone are not accountable for any faults; the government also shares responsibility for any deficiencies. The provision of essentials such as soap, floor cleaners, and air conditioning lies within the government’s domain. Creating a clean and conducive work environment for doctors is also the government’s responsibility, he emphasized.

Mohsin Naqvi shared an incident he witnessed at a hospital in Multan where five children were being treated on a single bed. He made it clear that it is not the fault of the doctor but rather a testament to the dedication of doctors who work diligently to treat multiple patients under challenging circumstances. He expressed gratitude to doctors for their unwavering commitment despite the unfavorable conditions in hospitals.

The chief minister stressed the need to change our thinking and not hold doctors solely accountable for every issue. He explained that Services Hospital, located in the heart of Lahore, falls under the purview of the health department and is a valuable asset. He lamented the fact that while new hospitals are constructed, old ones often receive little attention. He highlighted the importance of providing adequate facilities for doctors to enable them to perform their duties efficiently.

Mohsin Naqvi reaffirmed his commitment to invest billions in the coming months to improve Services Hospital without any limitations. He emphasized that Services Hospital will be transformed into a brand new facility in a short span of time, provided ownership and responsibility are ensured. He questioned why government hospitals cannot match the standards of the best private hospitals. He stressed that if senior doctors do not fulfill their duty hours, it sets a negative example for lower staff to follow. However, he assured that positive results would follow if everyone fulfills their responsibilities. Doctors and paramedics should observe their duty timings and may perform their work after official duties are completed. He acknowledged the efforts of the secretary housing and the entire team striving for the betterment of Services Hospital.

The chief minister encouraged everyone to increase their role as this hospital belongs to them, and their opinion is more important than that of other officers. He expressed gratitude to everyone and assured that he would continue to visit hospitals. He urged absent staff to return and resume their work, emphasizing that their salaries would not be paid if they fail to fulfill their duties.

He also promised to take the necessary steps to provide the required injections for paralysis treatments. The Principal SIMS provided a briefing about hospital matters. Later, the CM inspected Medical Unit-I and appreciated the facilities provided to patients after the upgradation, congratulating the doctors on their efforts. Provincial Ministers Dr Javed Akram, Dr Jamal Nasir, secretary health, secretary housing, MS Services Hospital, and others were also present.

Daily Independent

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