The prime minister said Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was judicially murdered and Nawaz Sharif was sent into exile and then removed from power through a conspiracy in 2017, masterminded by former judge Saqib Nisar, but the leading parties did not undertook a campaign against national institutions.


— PM-Interview-TWO-Islamabad

The prime minister said Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was judicially murdered and Nawaz Sharif was sent into exile and then removed from power through a conspiracy in 2017, masterminded by former judge Saqib Nisar, but the leading parties did not undertook a campaign against national institutions.
Name of Nawaz Sharif was not among the 400 persons in the Panama papers but still he was targetted by the conspirators, he pointed out.
He reminded that Nawaz Sharif carried out huge development projects including China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, eliminated loadshedding and built a vast network of roads, adding after removal of Nawaz Sharif through a conspiracy the nation faced unprecedented problems and the country was put off the course of development

Answering a question, he said those who attacked military installations would be tried in the military courts and those who vandalized civilian properties would face trial under the anti terrorism law. Nobody would be spared regardless of whosoever he was.

He said it was painful that even after 75 years Pakistan was dependent on IMF, adding now Pakistan was out of danger of default, foreign exchange reserves were gaining stability and the country was on the path to stability.

He said the government had initiated a plan of economic recovery by undertaking projects in agriculture and information technology and by equipping youth with modern tools of information technology. A Special Investment Facilitation Council was set up to attract investment in diverse sectors, he mentioned.

He said if people would give opportunity to his party led by Nawaz Sharif in the next elections then they were committed to
put Pakistan on the journey of progress and prosperity after forming the next government.

Responding to another question, he said in 2018, Pakistan Muslim League(N) and Pakistan Peoples Party were dismantled and politicians of all hues were gathered in Pakistan Tehreek i Insaf (PTI). Later on results of elections were stopped and delayed in the cities and worst form of rigging was perpetrated.

Now those who changed political loyalties in 2018 and joined PTI were again leaving for other parties, he observed, adding
Nawaz Sharif did not believe in politics of revenge and never resorted to victimization of political opponents during his previous term.

Daily Independent

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