Different kind peoples had held protest demonstrationms and chanted the slaogans for the acceptances of their demands here outside the District Press Club Larkana on Sunday.


By our correspondedent

LARKANA:Different kind peoples had held protest demonstrationms and chanted the slaogans for the acceptances of their demands here outside the District Press Club Larkana on Sunday.
As reports; the villagers of Longai Kalhora Aisha Manzoor asked that the forcible Wali Mohd Soomro injstice us and poliice also supporting him and after taking amont police arrested our two innocent pweoples Mumtaz Kori and Irshad Kori and missed them, provide justice. Similarly, villagers of Sahib Mashori Nazir Mashori and others told the media men that on their land at Deh Katia the forcible has been occupied it illegally. In the same way, the alloties Punhal Larik, Haneef Solangi, Shahid Abbasi and others of Private Residential Project Scheme protested and said that provide the electricity for the Scheme neither protest contined. While the residential of Tando JamLateef Vessar, Mohd Yusuf, Pervaiz Ali, Fahad Ali and others held demo against the non-arresting of the killers of bsinessman Abdul Qayum Vessar and chanted the slogans also.

Daily Independent

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