Agenda of session of Balochistan Assembly issued


Agenda of session
of Balochistan
Assembly issued

Independent Report

QUETTA: The agenda for the 61st session of Balochistan Assembly has been issued here on Friday.
According to an official communique issued by the Secretary, Balochistan Provincial Assembly’s secretariat on Friday, the agenda to be taken up in the upcoming session of assembly included: tabling of a condemnation resolution against the desecration of Holy Qura’an in Sweden as well as tabling of the draft law of Balochistan Plastic Shopping and Flat bags use 2023 and proposed draft law of Balochistan Local Government 2023.
The Parliamentary Secretary Ms. Bushra Rind and Opposition leader, Malik Sikandar Khan Advocate would table the condemnation resolution against desecration of the Holy Qura’an while the Provincial Minister for Environment and Climate Change would present the draft law on use of plastic shopping bags.
It may be mentioned here that the session of Balochistan Assembly has been summoned at 04:00 PM on July 17.

Daily Independent

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