Anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 3400.491 Kg Drugs worth US$ 86.324 Million internationally.



Anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 3400.491 Kg Drugs worth US$ 86.324 Million internationally. Arrested28 persons including 5 women and impounded 10vehicles while conducting 26 counter narcotics operations throughout the country. The seized drugs comprised 3248Kg Opium, 2.569 Kg Heroin, 108.795 Kg Hashish, 762Gram Cocaine, 40.291 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice), 50Gram Weed and 24 Grams Ecstasy Tabs (50 x Tabs).

ANF Balochistan recovered 3282 Kg Drugs in 5operations while arrested 5 persons involved in drugs smuggling and impounded 3 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 3224 Kg Opium, 20 Kg Hashish and 38 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).  

ANF Punjab recovered 74.066 Kg Drugs in 4operations while arrested                    9 persons including 4 women involved in drugs smuggling and impounded 2 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 24 Kg Opium, 0.131Kg Heroin and 49.935 Kg Hashish.

ANF KPK recovered 15.207 Kg Drugs in 3operations. The seized drugs comprised 0.168 Kg Heroin, 14.500 Kg Hashish and 0.539 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).

ANF Sindh recovered 15.97 Kg Drugs in 4 operations while arrested                        3 persons involved in drugssmuggling and impounded 2 vehicles. The seized drugs comprised 2.27 Kg Heroine,  12 Kg Hashish and 1.700 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice).

ANF North recovered 13.248 Kg drugs in 10operations while arrested 10 persons including a woman involved in drugs smuggling and impounded 3 vehicles.The seized drugs comprised 12.360 Kg Hashish, 0.762 Kg Cocain,0.052 Kg Methamphetamine (Ice), 0.050 Kg Weed and 24 Grams Ecstasy Tabs (50 x Tabs).

All cases have been registered at respective ANF Police Stations under CNS Act 1997 (Amended 2022) and further investigations are under process.

Daily Independent

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