CM directs IGP, DIGP to take steps on war footing bases to better law & order in Quetta



CM directs IGP, DIGP to take
steps on war footing bases to
better law & order in Quetta

Bizenjo dismayed over increasing incidents of road robbery and
snatching; asserts police would have to show performance
to end dangers posed to life and property of citizens

Independent Report

QUETTA: Taking strict notice of the gruesome act of killing of a person and his son during motorbike snatching incident on Qambrani road Quetta city on Sunday, the Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has directed the Inspector General of Police and DIG Police Quetta to take steps on war footing grounds to improve law and order situation in the city.
The Chief Minister sought a report from the police command about this incident and similar other crimes including the robberies and dacoities.
Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo expressed anguish over the incidents of road robberies and killing of people in these incidents.
The Chief Minister asserted that the police would have to show its performance to end dangers posed to the citizens of Quetta.
He said that the citizens of Quetta are insecure after increase in incidents of robbery and snatching in the city.
He said that it is prime responsibility of the police to protect life and property of the masses. Abundant resources are being provided to the police for from the public tax money, he added.
He said that the trust of people would have to be restored on police anyway. He directed the concerned high ups to prepare security plan for Quetta city afresh.
In addition to this, patrolling of the security personnel should also be increased, adding he stressed.
Moreover, an effective system of the checking on entry and exit routes should also be developed, he maintained.
The Chief Minister warned that action would be taken against the incharge of police station where the act of crime would occur in future.
He expressed sympathy and condolence with the bereaved family of those died in the Qambrani road motorbike snatching incident.

Daily Independent

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