Flour price continues to rise despite Chief Minister’s notice




Flour price continues
to rise despite Chief
Minister’s notice

Independent Report

QUETTA: The flour price continued to increase despite the notice taken by the Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo in this regard.
According to the market sources, an increase of Rs. 70 was recorded in the 20-kilogram bag. With this, the price of 20-KG bag has been increased to Rs. 1720. Previously, the bag of flour was being sold at Rs. 1650.
The market sources told that the price of flour has been increased for second time during last two weeks. Earlier, the bag of 20-KG flour was being sold at Rs. 1600 last month.
On the price increase, the flour mills owners association sources informed that the price has been increased due to shortage of the wheat and increase in its rates recently.
If we would get wheat at the government’s rate, then we would be able to sell the flour at the prescribed rate, the sources of association told.
Needless to mention here is that the Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo had taken notice of the reports of increase in price of flour in Quetta city.
The Chief Minister had directed the district administration to ensure sale of flour at the prescribed rates.
He had also directed to ensure implementation on the ban imposed on transportation of wheat from outside the province.

Daily Independent

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