CM grieved over martyrdom of FC’s Major Saqib and Naik Baqar in Kech attack


Minister Home condemns act of terrorism:
CM grieved over martyrdom
of FC’s Major Saqib and
Naik Baqar in Kech attack

Mir Ziaullah Langove pledge to take terrorists
and their perpetrators to task; not to be spared

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has expressed his deep grief and sorrow over the martyrdom of a Major and Naik from Frontier Corps (FC) South while fighting with the terrorists in district Kech.
In a condemnation statement issued here on Monday, the Chief Minister said that both Major Saqib Hussain and Naik Baqar Ali embraced martyrdom for the sake of defence of country.
He said that Major Saqib Hussain and Naik Baqar Ali overpowered the terrorists by fighting against them courageously.
The Chief Minister said that the great sacrifices rendered by the security personnel in the war against terrorism would not go wasted at all.
He said that the people of Balochistan are shoulder to shoulder with their security forces to route out the menace of terrorism from the province.
The Chief Minister expressed sympathy and condolence with the bereaved families of martyrs. He also prayed for the departed souls of the martyrs.
Meanwhile, the Provincial Minister for Home and Tribal Affairs, Mir Ziaullah Langove also condemned the terrorism attack in Turbat area of Kech.
He also expressed grief and sorrow over martyrdom of an officer and a jawan of FC in the attack.
Mir Ziaullah Langove said that those attacking the security forces are unforgiveable and they are enemies of the country.
He asserted that the terrorists and their perpetrators would be taken to task.
The Minister said that the whole nation pays salute to the brave sons of the security forces.

Daily Independent

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