Pakistan’s DUFFER LEADERSHIP lacks vision to stand on the right side of history at a right time Leadership Envisions Generations Ahead – –


Pakistan’s DUFFER LEADERSHIP lacks vision to stand on the right side of history at a right time
Leadership Envisions Generations Ahead – –

By: Professor Dr. Gholam Mujtaba, MS, MD, Ed.D., FRSPH
Chairman Pakistan Policy Institute USA

Today a rebellious mercenary commander, from the Wagner Group, a private army led by Yevgeny Prigozhin ordered his troops to halt their march towards Russian capital, while his men were just 120 miles outside of Moscow.

Historically, Pakistan was victorious in breaking the communist expansionist designs of the Soviet Union by siding with the United States in Afghanistan under the visionary leadership of General Zia. Again, Pakistan was at world stage under another visionary leader, General Musharraf in war against terror by siding with the United States.

The vision of the founding fathers of Pakistan brought the country to the U.S. camp at the time of her inception, however Late Bhutto tried to put Pakistan in the Chinese basket in the 1960’s which ultimately ended in the heroic welcome of Modi at the White House yesterday, the man who was denied a U.S. entry visa few years earlier.

India capitalized on the space created by the DUFFERS OF PAKISTAN in relationship with the United States. Both, Russia, and China are of no consequence to the United States global hegemony at these defining moments of history. The vision of PAANWALAS do not matter at world stage in devising diplomacy.

Without revealing the source, “Russia is a two-hour U.S. beat”, said a top official at a meeting with me. China is no exception either. This is an American century, like it, or not!

Leadership means vision that can see across generations, while a manager is the one who knows to comply to his daily tasks. Begging and praying before the IMF “madam” is unlike of becoming a leader at world stage.

The duffer trio-leadership waiting for turns to rule a nation brought below poverty levels speaks out the vision, they entail.
Is there anything more to say?

Daily Independent

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