Governor Balochistan maintains: Persons with disabilities part of society; ours’ responsibility to cooperate with them


Governor Balochistan maintains:
Persons with disabilities part of society; ours’ responsibility to cooperate with them

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that persons with disabilities are part of our society and it’s our collective responsibility to extend wholehearted cooperation to them.
This would help them lead successful life.
The Governor stressed that implementation is necessary on the quota allocated in the government jobs so as to resolve the basic issue of employment.
This was stated by the Governor while speaking to the delegation led by President, Awaz Maazoran Balochistan Organization, who called on him here at the Governor House on Wednesday.
The members of delegation apprised the Governor about their issues. They also presented the demands to the Governor.
On this, the Governor assured them of his full cooperation to resolve their issues.

Daily Independent

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