In all 668 personals passed out at PTC Governor calls for strengthening all institutions to materialize dream of good governance


In all 668 personals passed out at PTC
Governor calls for strengthening
all institutions to materialize
dream of good governance

Malik Abdul Wali Kakar pays homage to police martyrs for sacrifices;
says we are living peacefully due to their sacrifices; heirs wouldn’t be
left alone; vows to provide wholehearted resources to police in future

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stressed that we have to strengthen and make stronger our all institutions to materialize the dream of good governance there.
He said that we are proud of sepoys of police and value their sacrifices a lot. He said that it is because of the sacrifices of martyrs of police that we are living peacefully in our homes. We would never leave the heirs of police martyrs.
This and similar other views were expressed by the Governor while addressing the 97th passing out parade of graduates of the lower course of police at the Police Training Center (PTC) on Wednesday morning.
The Inspector General of Police, Abdul Khaliq Sheikh, Commandant PTC, Dr. Farhan Zahid, DIG Police Quetta, Ghulam Azfar Mahesar and other senior police officers were also present.
Also attended the passing out parade was by the family members of the police graduates.
Speaking on the occasion, the Governor congratulated the police graduates on successful passing out and said that they would be entrusted different tasks and responsibilities at different places, and surely this training would help them to face every kind of challenges in the line of duty.
He said that the police officers and jawans have rendered numerous sacrifices for the province, and it is because of their sacrifices that terrorism could be eliminated and peace was established in the province.
He said that no doubt there is a key role of peace in establishing peace and protection of the life and property of general public.
He said that it is our utmost endeavour to provide wholehearted resources to the police force so that it may continue to play its pivotal role in establishing peace.
He stressed that the police force would have to play more part for sustainable peace in the province.
Referring the issues of PTC, the Governor said that it is very necessary to arrange solar system for provision of uninterrupted electricity supply to PTC.
Later, he gave away prizes and certificates to the outstanding graduates of the course.
It may be mentioned here that altogether 668 personals were passed out at the passing out parade held at PTC.

Daily Independent

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