News Education Expo 2023 concluded with good hopes Simulator Bike attracted the visitors at SSUET Stall

News Education Expo 2023 concluded with good hopes
Simulator Bike attracted the visitors at SSUET Stall

KARACHI, June 18, 2023 – Closing of the grand Education Expo held today and certificates of appreciation were given by the Registrar of Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology (SSUET), Syed Sarfraz Ali to the organizing team who left no stone unturned to make the SSUET stall attractive to the visitors in terms of information and presentation, even the Governor Sindh, Kamran Tessori especially visited the SSUET stall and appreciated efforts of the team. He was much impressed by the simulator bike at the stall.

Speaking on the occasion, Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin, said that in a simulated environment, students can prepare for dangerous driving conditions without being physically at risk. The simulator facility helps the students familiarize themselves with vehicle control, its operations such as steering control, gear change for manual transmission, progression in various driving conditions, braking safely, lane discipline, and how to meet and pass other vehicles.

In concluding remarks, Registrar SSUET, Commodore (r) Engr. Syed Sarfraz Ali said that considering the cut-throat competition among universities seeking collaborative opportunities to expand their operation at overseas locations for cross-border higher education, forces academic institutions to raise capacity and to provide better and more credible avenues for higher education of global standards. To prepare students for contemporary challenges, it is important to train them while fostering strong and lasting linkages with industry leaders and facilitating them in obtaining the needed vocational nourishment.


Daily Independent

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