Politics of PML-N is public welfare based: Amir Muqam


Politics of PML-N is public welfare based: Amir Muqam
ISLAMABAD, Jun 17 (APP):Adviser to Prime Minister for National
Heritage and Culture Division Engineer Amir Muqam on Saturday said that
the politics of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) is purely based on
public welfare and the development of the country.
The PML-N was utilizing every penny of public money in an honest and
transparent manner for the welfare of the people and the provision of basic
facilities to them, he said while speaking to a Private news channel.
He lauded PDM-led government under the leadership of Shahbaz Sharif for
their remarkable achievement in steering the country away from the brink of
default despite inheriting severe economic hurdles.
He said with regard to this year's 2023-24 budget, the government has
paid special attention to the provision of quality education, and vocational
training to the youth, boosting the IT sector and improving the agriculture
"We are also working on the policy to maintain balanced relations with all
other countries", he added.

Replying to a question, he said every patriotic Pakistani condemned the
violent acts of 9 May and urged to take strict actions against the culprits
involved in organized attacks on state institutions and military Installations.
Attacking the military Installations is a serious crime across the globe and it
must not be forgiven, he added.
"Our courts need to understand the gravity of the situation and punishment
must be given to the culprits involved in the 9 May incidents according to
law and constitution, he demanded.
The stakeholders must ensure that such violent acts cannot happen again
in future, he added.

Daily Independent

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