Traders can play important role in revival of decaying economy, says Governor


Govt taking measures to boost border trade:
Traders can play important
role in revival of decaying
economy, says Governor

Independent Report

QUETTA: The Governor Balochistan, Malik Abdul Wali Khan Kakar has stated that the traders’ community can play important role in revival of otherwise decaying economy of the country.
Traders on one hand contribute millions of rupees in the public exchequer on account of the tax, while provide vast opportunities of employments on the other hand.
Therefore, it is responsibility of the government to ensure complete protection and provision of necessary facilities for the traders and industrialists.
These views were expressed by the Governor while speaking to a delegation comprising traders of the province led by central president of All Pakistan Anjuman Tajran, Ajmal Baloch who called on him here at the Governor House on Friday.
During the course of meeting, the traders apprised the issues being faced by the traders in movement and transportation of the goods in the province. They particularly referred to the complaints against the government officials in this regard.
Speaking on the occasion, the Governor said that the government has already reduced the number of check posts in different areas of the province just to remove the apprehensions of the traders and industrialists. However, he would speak to the concerned federal and provincial high ups for improving the situation further.
He also mentioned that the government is also taking several steps for boosting trade including opening of the border trade along the province’s border.
This would surely increase the commerce and trade activities in the border areas, adding he believed.
The Governor also assured the traders of his due role in providing every possible facility to them.

Daily Independent

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