GoB spokesperson says World Bank’s officials’ team arriving in province in July; talks to be held for assistance in development projects, human resource instead of loans


Dues of NFC Award & PPL not received yet:
Despite financial crunch, next
FY’s budget of Balochistan
to be public-friendly: Farah

GoB spokesperson says World Bank’s officials’ team arriving in province in July; talks
to be held for assistance in development projects, human resource instead of loans

Independent Report

QUETTA: The spokesperson, Government of Balochistan, Ms. Farah Azeem Shah has categorically stated that despite the financial crunch, it is utmost endeavour of the provincial government to make the next financial year budget of the province public friendly.
She said that although the financial issues of the province could not be resolved because of non-payment of the share and dues of National Finance Commission (NFC) Award and Pakistan Petroleum Limited ((PPL), the next financial year’s budget of the province would be public friendly.
The GoB spokesperson said that a team of officials of the World Bank is arriving in Balochistan next month. She said that we would be talking to the WB team on the human resource development in Balochistan, In addition to this, we would also be seeking their (WB) cooperation for development projects instead of mere loans in different sectors.
This and similar other details were shared by the GoB spokesperson, Farah Azeem Shah while speaking to the media persons at the Chief Minister’s secretariat on Friday afternoon.
Also present on the occasion was the Advisor to Chief Minister for Information, Mitha Khan Kakar, who spoke about the digitalization of land revenue record in the province.
Ms. Farah Azeem Shah maintained that the province’s financial problems could not be resolved yet. She said that the province didn’t receive its due share of NFC Award from the federal government yet. Similarly, the arrears against the PPL have also not been cleared yet, she regretfully pointed out adding that despite the fact the Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif had taken immediate notice of the matter and formed a committee to resolve the issue as well.
She asserted that we are not seeking alms from the federation rather we are asking for our due share and right.
Referring the land revenue digital initiative of the provincial government, the spokesperson maintained that “Digital Balochistan” is the vision of Chief Minister, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo.
She said that there would be certain reforms thanks to the introduction of Land Revenue Management System to be launched in the province.
She said that the people would get the facility of online registration of the registry and other revenue and land documents at the facilitation centers to be set up in the province.
The spokesperson on the occasion also referred to other steps taken by the Chief Minister recently including limiting the security arrangements during VVIP movement and other ones.
She said that we don’t want to waste our resources on the protocol and security as the Chief Minister wrote a letter to Chief Secretary in this regard.
She said that certain actions taken by the Chief Minister Bizenjo are unprecedented as no other governments did them in the past. She urged the media to highlight the good initiatives of the government.
The GoB spokesperson also diverted the attention of federal government towards dualization of the Quetta-Karachi highway, which has claimed several precious lives in accidents.


Daily Independent

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