Chief Secretary Sindh calls for full implementation of RTI Act and urges action on pending applications


“Chief Secretary Sindh calls for full implementation of RTI Act and urges action on pending applications”
Karachi 16th June 2023.

Secretary Sindh, Dr. Muhammad Sohail Rajput presided an important meeting here on Friday regarding the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act. The meeting was attended by Advocate General Sindh, Muhammad Hassan Akbar, Secretary Information Nadeem-ul-Rahman Memon, Chief Information Commissioner Syed Javed Ali, Secretary Law, Secretary Information Technology, and other officials.

The meeting was briefed on the progress of various departments of Sindh regarding access to information under the law. It was highlighted that essential/ required information had not been uploaded on the respective department’s website. Chief Secretary Sindh, Dr. Muhammad Suhail Rajput, expressed dissatisfaction with departments failing to comply with the law, stating that all provincial departments, their subordinate offices, and autonomous bodies should fully adhere to the RTI law.

It was decided that a Public Information Officer (PIO) would be nominated in all departments, and they should ensure that all information under Section 6 is uploaded on their respective websites within 10 days. It was also revealed that the Information Commission currently has 72 pending requests for consideration. Chief Secretary Sindh instructed the Chief Information Commissioner to resolve all requests within 45 days.

Furthermore, The Chief Secretary Sindh directed the Secretary Information Department to ensure that the issues and performance of the Information Commission is discussed in the upcoming meeting of provincial cabinet. He emphasized that if any department fails to provide information, appropriate action will be taken against the responsible officer.

Daily Independent

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